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My notice of understanding.

For almost a decade I patiently kept silent as a gesture of good faith and respect for the Québec judicial system. Unfortunately, I have had little in the way of justice to show for it in return. My struggle has come at great personal expense as I am embroiled in a battle of legal attrition against agents of the state financed by an endless supply of tax revenues. Going to court is an expensive and time consuming proposition. I have to raise funds by soliciting help from the greater public or forego any access to justice.

Our courts are not supposed to be the exclusive domain of the rich, the powerful, the privileged and the well-connected, nevertheless the facts remain: due process and the pursuit of justice are increasingly being priced beyond the means of most people. Retired Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin of the Supreme Court of Canada stated as much at the Middle Income Access to Civil Justice Colloquium when she warned the current trend is leading us away from the principle of equality before the law and as such is a very dangerous road to follow.

I learned the hard way there is no safeguard in place to ensure cozy relationships between the judiciary and the constabulary do not taint court proceedings against the police. The Chamberland Commission recently exposed a troubling pattern of complicity in Québec when it came to the high acceptance rate of spurious warrants issued to the police based on half-truths and falsehoods. In court cases involving police officers as defendants, judges must be extra vigilant to not create a perception of bias because it can further erode public confidence and trust in the judicial system.

Our army needs good canadians.

I am fully aware of the fact my campaign to correct a fundamental wrong is going to be met with resistance from individuals within certain establishment circles. While my detractors would like to think the matter closed -- wishing I would just take my lumps and go away -- I am just getting started. I am taking my fight to the next level and I will be speaking truth to power on a national and even international scale. The failings of the lower courts to uphold fundamental principles of law constitute more than just a passing malaise. The legal precedent is downright gangrenous and will have far reaching implications for the future wellbeing of Western civilization in Canada. It is my sincere hope the Supreme Court of Canada will see past the current state of denial and recognize that if the rot is not excised in time the entire body of liberal democratic values in Canada will be at risk.

Those who sought to sacrifice me and my rights in order to preserve an illusion of legitimate power will no longer have control of their narrative, as I intend to take apart -- in a legal, peaceful, civil, forthright, ethical, and honourable manner -- their wall of lies one brick at a time for all to see.

Wherever possible I intend to omit the names and personal details of individuals involved in my case, as well as those who misreported the facts. I have no intention of pursuing a vendetta of my own. I do not wish for anybody to have to go through what happened to me. To this day I still have to contend with online collateral damage in the form of insults, cheap shots, and damaging rumours posted in blogs and discussion group forums, as well as in the comment sections of online articles. I believe those who caused me harm or by omission have allowed me to be harmed should have the opportunity to redeem themselves.

For my part, I intend to take the high ground by presenting a calm, measured, reasoned response based on documented facts, many of which are already a matter of official record and are currently in the public domain.

In the weeks and months to follow I will be putting together a toolkit of information and resources to promote western democratic values of freedom and human rights.

As part of my campaign I wish to give you my notice understanding:

Members of the press have a responsibility to:

  • report the news truthfully, accurately and fairly;

  • not fabricate, embellish or omit pertinent elements of a news stories;

  • not be compliant or complicit in the machinations of special interests groups, be they political or financial;

  • avoid suspending their disbelief for the benefit of authority figures and power elites;

  • create informed citizens, without resorting to the imposition of a manufactured consensus of opinion;

  • not create collateral damage greater than the benefits garnered from a story’s disclosure.

Members of the police have a duty to:

  • adhere to the checks and balances that exist when invoking the power of the state against an individual;

  • clearly and unequivocally inform an individual of the nature of the infraction before detaining them or placing them under arrest;

  • not use their special powers to maliciously prosecute an individual;

  • inform the individual of their rights;

  • not use violence or threats of violence to compel the individual to relinquish their charter rights;

  • not use violence or threats of violence to impose an unlawful order;

  • reserve comment on a case until after an investigation has been completed;

  • not elicit the aid of third-parties to prejudice an investigation in the minds of the public;

  • not destroy, alter, suppress and/or misstate evidence.

Members of the judiciary have a duty to:

  • not only be impartial, they must also be seen to be impartial;

  • recuse themselves from proceedings if they have a conflict of interest or even the appearance of one;

  • distill the truth and limit their focus to the admissible evidence and jurisprudence;

  • not confound the issue/s before the court with irrelevant and extraneous information;

  • avoid actions which would undermine its credibility and put the judicial system into disrepute;

  • act on courage, honour and conviction, not out of fear, short-sightedness, expedience, or apathy.

I understand the following statements to be true:

  • Canada is a nation governed by the rule of law;

  • the Canadian Charter rights applies to Canadians wherever they may be in the Canada, including the province of Québec;

  • the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms cannot be cast aside or ignored by the powers that be, because they deem them to be inconvenient or bothersome;

  • any limited immunity conferred by law on a public official does not grant them powers to deny others their lawful rights or to invent new de facto pseudo-laws outside the existing legislative framework;

  • my rights are no greater and certainly no lesser than any other Canadian, as I am entitled to the same treatment under our laws as anybody else;

  • I have a right to freedom of conscience and freedom of expression, and that includes the right to defend myself in the court of public opinion;

  • it is also within my rights to revisit what has been said against me in the past 9 years and denounce any and all distortions, omissions, incongruities, laxities and outright falsehoods already circulating in the public domain.

The present notice is by no means definitive or complete, as I reserve the right to add or modify information as I see fit.

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